What is 360° VR?
360° VR is the latest development in the growing field of visual digital technology. It crosses the threshold between two-dimensional world of photography and tri-dimensional experience of virtual reality by giving the viewer control of the scene, ability to see the space or an object in all directions, turning through the space, or around an object, from one or multiple vantage points. It also gives an option to zoom in and out, bringing every detail and object up close and showing how they relate to each other.

How does it work?
360° VR displays are created by stitching together multiple photographs and blending them into a perfect spherical image. They are presented in an interactive software interface, using movie players, such as Apple's QuickTime, through a Web browser plug-in, or as a stand-alone player on a computers desktop or CD Rom.

Why use this technology?
With computers and Internet entering every home, most people turn to Web to do their research prior to shopping, renting or visiting. In the fast lane of life and business in this century, an option of viewing your space or product in all 360 degrees of it, may give you a decisive edge. Immersive 360°displays we offer let your clients enter and feel the environment through their computer screen, getting a sense of proportions and light sources, objects and their relations, with just one mouse click.

Why 360 VR SPACE?
With a wealth of experience and expertise in digital imagery and our cutting-edge technology, we deliver top-of-the line services suited to your needs. We are constantly learning, developing and adopting new technologies, growing with our clients and the digital revolution. We are committed to being at the forefront of every new development.

Where can you find us?
Our office is located in New York City, providing services across the globe. 
Please contact us for service details and price estimates. We look forward to hearing from you.

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